Sunday, July 13, 2014

Maths Board Game

This resource has been developed by using Numeracy I Can sheets, I am learning to profiles pages and Numeracy 123 resources. It has been the most successful way to engage self directed learning in building knowledge in numbers. Strategy must always be taught to support and scaffold new learning. Practise can be encouraged by making lessons for a wider audience on the ipad using educreations and putting on your blog or buddy teaching in class.

Display each knowledge stage on the wall.
Give each student a counter with their name on it.
Place on the number knowledge stage they are working with blue tack

Children are taught using the inquiry process how to use mathematical equipment for learning.
They come up with many more ideas than we would.

Display this learning as success criteria for active learning

Students must show teacher in three different ways that they know the goal on the board. Only teachers can move them forward once this has been achieved.
Remember to keep the motivation going. Don't destroy their confidence by saying no all the time. Show them a different way to learn their goal.

Children have a sharing time to celebrate their achievements challenges and persistence for working towards their own goal in maths. This also inspires new learning by the audience.

Resource can be accessed here:
Stage 1 Knowledge 

Stage 3 Knowledge 

Stage 4 Knowledge 

Stage 5 Knowledge

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