Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Action Stations - the next level

This year I am working with year one children. Just one of my challenges will be to increase the cognitive level within the action stations framework. The original Action Stations framework was to support children in the transition between preschool to school. For year one children we have different expectations and learning needs. I wanted to reflect this in our planning and stations that the children interact with all morning during Action Station time.

The first step, and possibly the only change that will be made is replacing the growth and development skills to learner dispositions. These line up nicely with expectations of a 21st century learner and key competencies.

For more information on this as it grows and develops over time please check out this link to my professional learning blogspot.


Key Focus Questions for planning with the children will change to....

What is the best way for me to learn? 
How can our class help me learn? 
What are the steps to learning for success? 
How could I share my learning with others? 
How do I gather and record other people’s ideas? 
Why should I record my learning? 
How do I record my learning?

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