Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chantel's Sunflowers

Last week I had a wonderful reliever in my class who provided the children with a large outline of a sunflower. The aim was to use ripped pieces of yellow and green paper to fill their flower outlines. They decided their goal was keeping in the lines which they all achieved very well. This one belongs to Chantel.
The next day at the writing station Chantel decided she would try to draw her own sunflower by herself. She also worked alongside another student to help her achieve the same goal. As you can see they used felts to colour in their beautiful sunflower sketches.
Day three at action stations, Chantel wanted to extend her idea further and drew a different sunflower design and used the collage technique to fill it. This time she worked alone. I can't wait to see what she will do next. I might aim her towards some technology and use the ipad or camera to create a different image again.

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